My Life as a Door Dasher

I started Door Dashing 2 years ago. It was the best decision I ever decided to get into. It has provided me the Freedom to travel anywhere and meet some of the most amazing people.

the day I applied to Door Dash was actually by luck. I was stuck in orlando Florida, unable to find a job due to my constant problems with kidney stone and bladder infetions. My sister let me stay with her, but I started to realize depression soon entered mind and the doing nothing everyday and having no money can really get to you. I thought you know I have a free truck and if I can just fill the tank up everyday. I could at least sleep in it as I Delived Food I really did’t think I would get approved but I decided anyways to try it. 2 weeks went by and I continued to spin my wheels. Sometimes I’d just start waking so not to lose my motivation and my mind

“you know the saying we can sometimes be our own worse enemy? My mind fought failure, guilt, shame, and most of all loneliness

…and then a letter came in the mail.

congratulation Valdecir you have been approved for being a Door Dasher just activate card to begin delivering food.

Now this is where the fun begins, I thought I probably don’t get paid but every 2 wks for one, and I knew I had at least 20 in gas in my Pathfinder

If I just then deliver food hopefully at the end of 2 wks I can plan from there. I mean it’s not like I can’t just stay in my car if I need.

So this began my new job. I basically activated my card made some selection on where my money would go. I downloaded the Dasher App to show me where to go for my first delivery.

I headed to the fast food area in Orlando and waited uptil my first order came in It was so much fun, and easy. I was amazed how easy and fun it was. I was talking orders all over the area. I got to see some areas I don’t think without Door Dash I would never see.

However, I had the issue of Gas. With Gas $2.79 all my driving was soon going to end and the sound of low gas started to ring loud.

That Evening at 7pm I parked my pathfinder, set up my backseat and got ready to possibly spend the next week or so staying in my vehicle.

Now a 2011 Pathfinder goes through a lot of gas and the way i was going through gas door dashing the whole day got me $65 minus $30 for gas. It seemed like i can make about 50% of what I ta the rest would go to gas.

So there I was an Air mattress in the back, set up my wifi hotspot.

Now a 2011 Pathfinder goes through a lot of gas and the way i was going through gas door dashing the whole day got me $65 minus $30 for gas. It seemed like i can make about 50% of what I ta the rest would go to gas.

So there I was an Air mattress in the back, set up my wifi hotspot.

I was pretty excited about this new endevor and thoght, ” Let me check with Door Dash and see what day I get paid.”

Now just to let everyone now calling Door Dash is not a great experience and they are not in America so I’m sure you know what that means. After a little frustrating moment trying to get them to understand what I needed I got the answer that would begin my adventure that moment.

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