My Medical Condition

Exstrophy of the bladder

I was born with a medical condition known as Exstrophy of the bladder. My condition has been long lasting and continue to be an issue. I’ve had over 30 kidney stone removal, as well as kidney and bladder infections.

Exstrophy of the bladder

 Pelvic Osteotomy

My Infections

Sometimes, I think I was just born with bad luck. Handed a bad deck I’d always say, I have hatted my condition from birth. It has caused me a lot physically, psychological as well as emotional issues. It has brought disastrous issues in my path from love, life as well as relationships. I struggle still to this day with it, I still have a really hard time still accepting it.

I would be lying if I told you It has made me stronger. I don’t think so, I would be lying if I said it has been a blessing, not yet

However, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you what I really have learned out of it…

“Greater is he that is in me, then he is in this world”

God has given me something to focus on. a drive to heal and it begun with acceptance.

Yes I have had it rough. Yes its not been easy and probably will continue until the day I die. Then.,

I chose to overcome..

I want to know more about Love. I want to learn about the power of healing, acceptance, community. the power in me that for some reason continue to give me strength. This drive helps in my healing. To be able to share my experience, and with it create a community of people. I believe we can really learn from our experiences, and come out stronger. I want to believe love can overcome everything and with it it an help me leave a great legacy.

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